
ESC Cybersecurity for all.

Studying with a Disability

ESC Cybersecurity is committed to equal opportunities and aims to facilitate access for individuals with disabilities. All stakeholders at ESC Cybersecurity work tirelessly to provide relevant solutions and an equitable working environment for all.

If you have a temporary or permanent disability, our disability liaison officer is available to:

  • Assist you with all your internal and external procedures (Agefiph, MDPH, etc.)
  • Serve as an interface with various school services
  • Offer specific solutions and technical accommodations
  • Resolve accessibility issues
  • Provide personalized support to successfully complete the ESC Cybersecurity program and exams

Our disability liaison officer will be your main point of contact and ensure tailored support from the beginning to the end of your program.


  1. Send an email to [email protected] explaining your situation.
  2. Our liaison officer will contact you to schedule a meeting to discuss your integration options in detail.
  3. Following this meeting, you will have all the necessary information for potential admission to our school.

For any further questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].